Saturday, November 10, 2007

yes, even Britney!

Imagine you think of something in your head. This great idea or something innovative or something like that. And you don't tell anyone but next thing you know, someone has accomplished or done that already.
Have any of you felt that way before?
I'm not making this up but it happened to me twice. Well i can only think of two incidences. Maybe there are more.
First, I wrote this song which i'm not naming or telling anyone the lyrics and i even thought of the tune which i normally never do. And then a week or so later, Britney Spears comes up with "I'm not a girl, not yet a women" and it has the exact same tune as MY SONG! I was so annoyed. I'm sure she has some weird psychic powers and got my hot tune. There's no other explanation.
Next one is when i thought of my own airplane company! And what is it called? PiNk! ofcourse! The tail was going to be baby pink and have the words Pink! written in hot glitter pink and it would have pink leather seats and special service for women(I'm sure only women would board this flight). We would have pink champagne, chick flicks, the works.. And the profit would go to the breast cancer foundation (I'm a nice person like angelina jolie and madonna). And where would i get the money to start all this? From Paris Hilton! My future bestest friend! Ok so this was all in my head and maybe a month later i read somewhere that in the UK they are going to start this new airline called pink! I was furious this time! Why? Why me? How do they get these ideas from me? And why don't i get other people's brilliant ideas? Not fair..


Zak said...

wheres the fuel

Clover said...

what fuel?

Zak said...
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Zak said...

oh ! i tried to explain wtf didnt mean "what the fuck " here

Zak said...

what the F..................

Anonymous said...

reminds me of those days when arnie became mr.universe before i ... those were the days..

Anonymous said...

me and sajeeve are the only regular ones here.. do treat us soon

Clover said...

i guess you both are the only ones as jobless as me!! and i cant treat you guys, i need all the money i have for my next big innovation though i'm sure someone will steal that too

Zak said...

pls dont insult me

Bungz said...

Ha ha ha! PINK, i believe!! I would never step into that thing... :P

Clover said...

and bungi- we would never give you tickets anyway..this would only be for real

fiddie said...