The other day my cousins Rashmi,Ashwin and myself went to the farm to see the baby pigs.They're cute but they stink so much!I guess thats why they're called pigs..and they eat anything!!
Here's a video of some of them
This video is of Rashmi holding one of the piglets.They squeal like you're going to slaughter them.Well eventually they would be slaughtered but not now anyway,they're small and won't go for a good
Then i saw this baby pig looked like a small blob of yellow color cream..and after it finished,the mother came and ate it!!It was so disgusting!!
I don't know if i can eat pork again!!
i wanna puke...
gross! you're turning me off pork!
what to do..i saw it and it was so gross!!i swear i almost puked!!and then my mom told me that shit that the pig ate turns to meat and we call it pork..oh by the way my mom doesnt eat pork
why are u awake so early! let the pigs sleep ! piglets are cute actually ! if not for their wonderful dining habits
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name one napoleon
the pig
Excuse me for making not so obscure literary references :-). Napoleon is the name of a pig from animal farm.
You're quite mean to animals, aren't you? with the cat story and this?
jude-i'm sorry for not knowing the name of some pig from literature.
anju-how am i being mean??i just took videos of the little piggies and wrote about world news.not like i gave the cat the drugs!!
Hey, who was squealing louder? Rashmi or the piglet?
definitly the piglet but cheers to rashmi for holding that little piece of poop
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