I visited my best friend in Pune last week and we were talking about the "old times" and the story we always talk about came up.It's the "Gitu wants the mermaid barbie" story.It happened when my friend went to America when we were about 10 years old.Before she left she asked me if i wanted anything and i told her i wanted the new mermaid barbie.Before she came back,i used to call her grandparents house every day and asked when she would come back because i really wanted that mermaid barbie!When i heard they were back home,i got all dressed up and went to their house not because i missed my friend and wanted to see her but because i really wanted that mermaid barbie!!And then my friend tells me,"Gitu i searched all over the States but i didn't find the mermaid barbie".I was so upset.Then she says,"But i found only one and i got it for myself".Well i don't really remember what happened but it seems her dad saw my face and he felt like crying cause i looked THAT sad!So he called my friend's uncle in the States and asked him to buy me one and i got my mermaid barbie atlast!
Kids can be evil..even if the kid happens to be your best friend...!
Oh and i still have my mermaid barbie!!